5 Energy Boosting Smoothie Recipes

1. Banana Ashwagandha Mix

Banana is a great source of fiber, and ashwagandha is a herb that has powerful beneficial effects on brain function. An 8-week study in 50 people demonstrated that supplementing with 600 mg of ashwagandha root extract per day significantly improved memory, attention, and information processing, compared with a placebo


  • Slices of bananas
  • Ashwagandha powder
  • Ginger (Optional)


  1. Put a desirable amount of bananas in a blender. 
  2. Add 2 spoons of ashwagandha powder inside the blender.
  3. Blend until smooth. 
  4. Serve 
peruvian maca smoothie

2. Peruvian Maca Smoothie

A study in 50 men with erectile dysfunction found that treatment with 2,400 mg of dry maca extract for 12 weeks significantly improved physical and social performance, compared with a placebo. Maca root powder is essential for helping boost your mood and energy levels. 



  1. Dice the pineapple or apples into a blender.
  2. Add 2 spoons of maca root powder inside the blender.
  3. Pour almond milk into the blender. 
  4. Blend until smooth. 
  5. Serve 

3. Super Green Smoothie

Chlorophyll is present in most green vegetables, and some people take it as a health supplement. The potential benefits of chlorophyll include improving health, boosting energy, and fighting illnesses.


  • 1 stalk celery
  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 2 slices of fresh pineapple 
  • 2 cups almond milk


  1. Wash the celery and spinach and chop the celery into big chunks.
  2. Peel the pineapple and slice it into 2cm thick slices, don’t cut out the core, it contains a lot of goodness.
  3. Fill celery, spinach, and pineapple into a blender and pulse until it turns into a smooth liquid.
  4. Add the almond milk and pulse again until well combined.

4. Citrus Power Smoothie

Banana is a great source of fiber, and ashwagandha is a herb that has powerful beneficial effects on brain function. An 8-week study in 50 people demonstrated that supplementing with 600 mg of ashwagandha root extract per day significantly improved memory, attention, and information processing, compared with a placebo


  • Moringa powder 
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 oranges (or 5 or 6 clementines), peeled
  • 1 cup frozen chopped pineapple
  • 1 cup chopped mango (frozen or fresh)
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds


  1. Blend the moringa, water, and oranges until smooth.
  2. Add the pineapple, mango, and chia seeds and blend again.
  3. Serve as desired. 

5. Purple Energy Booster

Anthocyanins are responsible for the purple or blue pigments in plants and berries. Anthocyanins possess antidiabetic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-obesity effects, as well as prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Asides from increasing your energy level, this smoothie also helps in boosting your immunity. 




  1. Pour all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth enough to serve. 
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