Get to learn everything you need to know about losing body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Use this guide for your fat loss plan! Good luck

weight loss tips

Weight loss is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat, or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue. It can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or can arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state. This is the goal you’re looking up to.

But marketers have made it look so easy, that you could lose weight in 1 week with some drugs or pills. Just because they want to sell and earn some commission. But I tell you today that losing weight is one of the hardest things to do because you’ve got to go through multiple exercises, make decisions that would lead to achieving your goals.
Well because the process is hard doesn’t mean you can’t get there, following this guide you will definitely reach your goal. But I have to say that these guides are not for lazy people who can’t stand their fears and pains just to get it to the top. It’s meant for only those who are willing to put in real hard work and reap the benefits of that work.
But before you start there are major areas you need to pick out for yourself while embarking on this test.

  1. Set your Goal
  2. How much fat do you want to lose each time you train?
  3. Body Performance
  4. Choosing Diets
  5. Body type
  6. Motivation
weight loss tips

Set Your Goal

Goals are a form of motivation that set the standard for self-satisfaction with performance. Achieving the goal one has set for oneself is a measure of success, examples of goals can be when you plan how much lbs you want to loose daily or at the end of your test, also can be setting aside a picture of what or who you want to look like after the test. You must have goals set up before you make it to wherever you want to go. #Lesson number 1

weight loss tips 2022

carbohydrate is any food that is particularly rich in starch (such as cereals, bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta) or simple carbohydrates, such as sugar (found in candy, jams, and desserts).

Also the soft drinks we take every day to contain carbohydrates in them, some of us might not know that soft drinks add up to the increase of fat in the body. Research has it that it is preferable to drink plenty of water than too many soft drinks.

Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, and soft drinks contain up to g5.3 (21 calories= g5.3 ). Depending on your genetics metabolic changes can make you gain weight even if you are eating the same food every day.

Younger bodies use carbohydrates as a common source of energy because the younger body utilizes them but as you age the more likely they will be stored as Fats.
When muscle cells are depleted this tells your body that food is in short supply and it will take action by lowering fat-burning hormones. On the other hand, when carbs are kept in the diet they will cause muscle cells to have more volume which will signal a fed state and result in a higher metabolism.

They have stored as long polymers of glucose molecules with glycosidic bonds for structural support or for energy storage, though the compatibility of most carbohydrates for water makes storage of large quantities of carbohydrates inefficient due to the large molecular weight of the solvated water-carbohydrate complex. Excess carbohydrates are catabolized to form acetyl-CoA, which results in fatty acids.

Carbohydrates are a superior short-term fuel for organisms because they are simpler to metabolize than fats or those amino acids (components of proteins) that can be used for fuel. This means they are helpful during exercise because the body needs the energy to be able to exercise. Sometimes you notice that when carb intake is low the muscles appear flat and smaller because there was a reduction in cell volume.
Carbohydrate should only be taken when you are exercising or lifting weights but on a daily basis, carbohydrate is prohibited if you want to lose weight. Foods like bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, soft drinks, and fried food with breading. If you want more information on ingredients present in soft drinks simply turn the drink around and read its ingredients.

How is Fat-loss related to body type?

best weight loss tips

You might be wondering how your body type is related to your loosing of fat. Well the point is that this body types require different essential levels of calories, macro-nutrients and training volumes. To plan your diet and plan your exercise routine you must know what your body type is first before starting out.

Ectomorph: One word used to describe this kind of people is SLIM, usually mesomorphs and endomorphs don’t stand close to this people mainly because they’re tall who has problems gaining weight. Examples of ectomorphs are fashion models. They are known by been linear in shape with a delicate build, narrow hips and pelvis, and long arms and legs.
Naturally hey have less fat and muscle mass than people with other body types, but if this kind of people happen to be fat and trying to loose weight, it’s probably going to be easy for them because they have fast metabolisms.

Mesomorph {meso, for short}: These specific kinds of people are classified as LUCKY because they have this kind of body shape that is obviously what everybody wants to be. They are athletic, full of energy, are physically capable of a lot of activity, and are sometimes aggressive athletically. These kinds of individuals store fats all over their body which puts them in an angle where they can easily be overweight (Cardiovascular disease can be a primary threat to an overweight meso) and easily lose weight. So they are just between the line. They are usually advised to be to maintain a healthy diet and a balanced exercise routine.

Endomorph (or endo, for short): These people normally have a curvy body type. They have a high capacity for storing fats in their body. Most of it is stored at the center in the middle of your body or in your hip and buttocks regions. And they are predisposed to becoming obese. The male endomorph is called android) and a female endomorph (known as a gynoid) but this two have different fat distribution patterns. We notice this with women with big hips, big butts, and big legs while the men collect fat in their abdominal area. There’s something you should have in mind if you are under this category as a man that the more fat you store in your abdomen the more risk you have to diseases such as diabetes, stroke, cancer, and high blood pressure. But this shouldn’t scare you. Save yourself all this by doing exercise, eating healthy, and maintaining healthy body weight. Check out exercises for endomorphs

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